Monday, April 12, 2010

Sith Cheesecake?

SONG OF THE DAY: If it Means a Lot to You by A Day to Remember
CURRENT MOOD: sleepy, mildly overwhelmed and annoyed, but not bad

Beginning today with the negative so we can finish happily. :)

Last night, minor freakout occurred when it began sinking in what I have to do in my last 3 weeks of class. I can think of 4 papers, an exam, and a final scene performance off the top of my head. What's worse is these are just the final projects, not including the work in between. It might not be so bad if I had the desire to do it. I have senioritis at the end of my sophomore year. I never even had senioritis in high school.

Bah. Humbug.

Now for the positive and it's kind of a doozy.

Yesterday, ES (the boyfriend) and I went up to one of the playgrounds around where I live. We're fans of swings, ha. So after some revelry and picture taking a woman her 2 kids came up to the park. The youngest was maybe 3; the eldest was 4. After a few minutes, the eldest ran over to ES and myself holding a Darth Vader toy and asked if we wanted to play. The mom was nearby and watching so I was less alarmed by the thought of "Haven't you taught your kids not to talk to strangers?!" So ES and I agreed and the boy led us to a hill behind the swings.

"I'm going to be Darth Vader, and you're going to be Luke, and you're going to be Leia cuz you're the beautifulest."

Ohhhhh, I love it when small children flatter me...

Then he ran to the top and had us go to the bottom and go after him with invisible light sabers. The boy kept switching our roles and at one point we were all Boba Fetts or we sat down to dinner of strawberries and Sith Cheesecake as Darth Vader and Mr. and Mrs. Vader. An hour later, I was exhausted and the boy was still going strong, and ES and I had to go home.

The boy looked so sad and his mom thanked us and told her boy to thank us before we left.

Today, if the boy saw us, he probably wouldn't recognize us or remember the hour in the park. I don't even know his name, but I know this something I will think about for a while. A lot of the reason for this, I think, is because I never had the maternal side of me flare up so much. When we were leaving, I really wanted a hug from the boy, almost like he was a child I'd always known and was saying goodbye to until we had another playdate.

There's a piece of me that hopes to run into them at the park again one day, but I'd be heartbroken if he didn't recognize me.

TIP/ADVICE/ORDER of the DAY: Call up someone you remember playing with as a child. Thank them, talk to them, maybe get back in touch with them if you aren't. Do it. Now.

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