Monday, April 19, 2010

Counting Down...

SONG OF THE DAY: Opheliac by Emilie Autumn
CURRENT MOOD: Tired, kind of annoyed

Not much to talk about, but I was overpowered by the urge to tell you things about my life that you probably don't care to know. Hence the blog!

My news of the day is that one week from today is my last day of class. I have 2 finals after that, but I get to start my summer officially on May 4. Uber excited.

My rant of the day is in regards to things I saw while riding the bus this morning. Looking out the window, what should I see? Every 20 feet or so there was some form of graffiti, most of it just random profanity. And honestly, it really makes me mad. Do you really have so little to do in your life that you go around writing swear words on bus stop and brick walls? It was frustrating.

Also frustrating are people who commit to stuff, and you ask them to make sure they are still committed to it, and they say yes. Several hours later when said activity is supposed to happen... they can't. Another bit of my annoyance. My final bit of annoyance comes from the fact that I gave away my last Midol. Why must I be nice.

Second bit of news is I'm going back on a diet. I did Weight Watchers a few years back and it worked. I lost about 20 lbs, but inevitably gained it back. It's not a hard diet, hence why I did it, and I decided to pick it back up again. I probably sound kind of like a hypocrite, me criticizing all the ingenues that are skinny pretty things and here I am going on a diet. That IS a little bit of the reason why, but also I just want to feel a little bit better health-wise. I've always wanted to say I'm in shape, not necessarily skinny. So we'll see how it goes.

TIP/ORDER/ADVICE of the DAY: Fiber One granola bars are actually frickin delicious. You should get some. Do it. Now.

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